Friday, February 25, 2011

Good game, Bad game

In our game there are three good things about our game. One is it is not a question games. Two is it has a good learning topic, and three is because my partner and I has made this by ourselfs. The bad thing about our game is that it is not finshed or working right.

Friday, February 18, 2011

game type (:

My game is not going to be a quiz game because my partner and I are have found a way to keep from it. We said that we wouldnt like it if we had to play a game that we had to anwser questions. the football player will have to go down the football feild and play football, but they will have to find fractions and precents. The cheerleader you will have to jump and move your arms to hit and dodge the incorrect and fractions and precents. We are doing our game on fractions and precents.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Game in Progress

Our game is porcessing. We are trting to figure out our story and why the players have to do all that math. Solving the story was one of the suggestions they game us at our game demos. My partner and I work good together so our game is comeing along great. (:

Friday, February 4, 2011

game demo Febuary 1, 2011 (:

At our game demos my partner was givin some suggestions for our game. They had some very good ideas. The first one was that to make a story on why the football player and cheerleader is there and why they have to do all that stuff. I have to explain the cheerleader more so that the players can uinderstand. We are working on it nad it will be a grat game at the end of the year!!