Friday, October 9, 2009

rights and reponsibitiles

Today we are talking about students rights and responsibitiles. Do we have a right to stand up and say we dont want them to search our lockers or that we refuse to turn our favorite band shirt in side out, but our princabl has a right to because what if some one at your school has drugs in his or her locker and some one went and told a teacher and of corse they are going to go and tell the princabl. Students do have a right about a locker search like if you have some personal stuff in your locker and you tell them that you do not want them to search your locker then thats fin but you have to be honest because if they find out that that you were lieing just to get out of trouble you will get in even more trouble. Now about you not beging able to wear your favorit t-shirt to school myself i dont see a problem with it has long as it is school approite it shouldnt be a problem just as long it has the title of the band and maybe a picture of the band. I have never got in trouble for wearing my favorite band shirt to school but they do have a point by not letting you wear your shirt as long as it is school approite. So students do have a right to say no.

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