Thursday, January 21, 2010

R.I.P. jordan wayne mcclanahan

As every one knows Jordan Wayne McClanahan died 1-20-10. He clasped in the middle of a basketball game against mt.view on the court at Sandy River gym with 2 minutes left on the clook. we all miss him and we've all cried jordan meant to alot of people. he was alwas there for you when you just needed someone to talk to and its hurts the people that loved him to see him go. loseing jordan was like loseing a brother and a best friend. i wish he didnt have to go so young and so soon he left everyone with good memories of him even though he is not he with us in person he is still with us in heart and jordan will never be forgot he will always be in our hearts. his brother joseph lost a twin and loseing a twin is like loseing the other part of you and we all need to be there for joseph and support him all the way. this has been hard for all of us but it was the hardest on joseph becuase he had to watch not only his brother but his best friend die and that is probely the hardest thing a brother could ever watch or see. just dont forget jordan you will always be in our hearts and always with us......i love you jordan wayne mcclanahan <33

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