Friday, October 29, 2010

Sucess, stugles, and looking forward to in this porcess

I really like this class, It's fun and it gets you out of class sometime. They have deffentily been some strugles while I have been in this calss, one of them is the codeing and trying to get something to move with out it messing it up. I have been in this class for two years and my secuess has been buttons. I can make buttons in my sleep, and also the tex and stuff like that. What I look forward to this year is for my game be bteer then last years, I had a good game but I know how to do more things in falsh now and I have had more experience. I am sad to say that this is my last year and I will miss this class so much, I learnt everything I know from the Mrs. I Bsrker, I love you Barker.

Friday, October 22, 2010

adding buttons!!!!!

I fount a blog from google and it is called Adding Line Breaks to Flash Checkboxes & Radio Buttons. Reading this blog really help me but I took this class last year so I already know how to do it. Adding a button is not as hard as it look all you have to do is tell flash what to do. This is the code you should us to make a button. stop( ); enter down and then put the buttons name
nextbtn.onRelease = function( ){ then space down again and put, (in place of options put the name of your scene)
the space down once again and

Friday, October 15, 2010

adding a scene :)

Adding a scene did help thell the story and it may help my partner and I later on in the game. We tried to make the game fun but also educaltional, I think we have accomplished that expecially if you are a cheerleader or a football player because thats what the has to deal with. Our subject is math, so it was easy to match football and cheerleading to the subject. My game does not relate in anyway to any of the games on playing to learn. My parnter and I tried to do a game where nobody eles would think about doing, but our theme is football and a lot of other students in our class is doing a football game. The other games we have played gave us some ideas and then we come up with the rest on our own.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Drawing a scene :)

Drawing a scene is not that hard for me. My partner and I are doing our game on fractions and percents. For me fractions are hard so I went to my math teacher and asked her if she would help me so I can understand my game topic a little more. Drawing a scene really helped my partner and I get what we are doing in our game, so did the paperprotype. All the units we do help in every way on your game. Flash is not that hard for me baceuse I worked in flash last year so it's really not that hard.

Monday, October 4, 2010


For the past week my partner and I have been working on paper prototype. Yes, it has helped us realize what we are going to be doing in our game. We have most of our game figured out. I really can't wait to get started on our game. I love to work in flash so making this game is going to be fun, and better then my game last year.