Friday, October 29, 2010

Sucess, stugles, and looking forward to in this porcess

I really like this class, It's fun and it gets you out of class sometime. They have deffentily been some strugles while I have been in this calss, one of them is the codeing and trying to get something to move with out it messing it up. I have been in this class for two years and my secuess has been buttons. I can make buttons in my sleep, and also the tex and stuff like that. What I look forward to this year is for my game be bteer then last years, I had a good game but I know how to do more things in falsh now and I have had more experience. I am sad to say that this is my last year and I will miss this class so much, I learnt everything I know from the Mrs. I Bsrker, I love you Barker.

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