Friday, December 10, 2010

learning/ improving!!

We are working pretty fast in out game. I think we are ready for the game presitions on Thursday. Therefore we do still have some things to improve. I can honestly say that my partner and I are working great together, and i'm so excited for everyone to see our game!!! Even though both my partner and I took this class last year we are still learning with all the others. We have and advantage against the others because we know more then they do, but we halp them also, and somethimes we even help eachother on things.

Monday, November 29, 2010


When playing raders equations you will have a score boar. This will be what wil be making the sound in our game. This will help the player to know if there conversion is wrong or right. The score board will sound just like a regular score board at a football game. The score board will help the player to know if they are wong or right. My game is going to be really fun if you go to my projects page it will help you to han ideaave l of what it is going to be about.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Addin keyborad :)

In this class so far, I do like working in flash. Flash is sometimes hard but whne you get the hang of it, it isn't really that hard. I hvae been working in flash for the past two years and every year I have learnt somthing different. This is a great experince for me. I am really glad I took this calss.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Adding Animation

I put all my work on my projects page so everyone can see. Adding animation is in my game a lot because we have all kinds of things moving, for example, we have a cheerleader moving, foootball players, and numbers moving.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Sucess, stugles, and looking forward to in this porcess

I really like this class, It's fun and it gets you out of class sometime. They have deffentily been some strugles while I have been in this calss, one of them is the codeing and trying to get something to move with out it messing it up. I have been in this class for two years and my secuess has been buttons. I can make buttons in my sleep, and also the tex and stuff like that. What I look forward to this year is for my game be bteer then last years, I had a good game but I know how to do more things in falsh now and I have had more experience. I am sad to say that this is my last year and I will miss this class so much, I learnt everything I know from the Mrs. I Bsrker, I love you Barker.

Friday, October 22, 2010

adding buttons!!!!!

I fount a blog from google and it is called Adding Line Breaks to Flash Checkboxes & Radio Buttons. Reading this blog really help me but I took this class last year so I already know how to do it. Adding a button is not as hard as it look all you have to do is tell flash what to do. This is the code you should us to make a button. stop( ); enter down and then put the buttons name
nextbtn.onRelease = function( ){ then space down again and put, (in place of options put the name of your scene)
the space down once again and

Friday, October 15, 2010

adding a scene :)

Adding a scene did help thell the story and it may help my partner and I later on in the game. We tried to make the game fun but also educaltional, I think we have accomplished that expecially if you are a cheerleader or a football player because thats what the has to deal with. Our subject is math, so it was easy to match football and cheerleading to the subject. My game does not relate in anyway to any of the games on playing to learn. My parnter and I tried to do a game where nobody eles would think about doing, but our theme is football and a lot of other students in our class is doing a football game. The other games we have played gave us some ideas and then we come up with the rest on our own.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Drawing a scene :)

Drawing a scene is not that hard for me. My partner and I are doing our game on fractions and percents. For me fractions are hard so I went to my math teacher and asked her if she would help me so I can understand my game topic a little more. Drawing a scene really helped my partner and I get what we are doing in our game, so did the paperprotype. All the units we do help in every way on your game. Flash is not that hard for me baceuse I worked in flash last year so it's really not that hard.

Monday, October 4, 2010


For the past week my partner and I have been working on paper prototype. Yes, it has helped us realize what we are going to be doing in our game. We have most of our game figured out. I really can't wait to get started on our game. I love to work in flash so making this game is going to be fun, and better then my game last year.

Friday, September 24, 2010


I am Chelsey Coleman and my partner is Billy Waldron . Our team name is "The West Virginia Rednecks." We are doing our game on percents. Percent is like when you go shopping you have to add taxes on whatever you buy. Our Genre is sports or action and our topic is math. Our class in the Stem Community Knowledge. We do not have a title for our game right yet but we are on it. We are doing our game on percents and the theme is going to be football and cheerleading. At the begging of the game you can pick a football player or you can pick a cheerleader. And this is how far we have got on our game so far!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Choseing a Topic

My name is Chelsey, and my partners name is Billy. We don't know what are game is going to be yet but we will soon. I think chosing a topic helped us by explaining to us what this topic is talking about and to help us on our game.

Friday, September 3, 2010

playing to learn

For the past three day we have been working on playing to learn. This session is not that hard. All you have to do is play the games under playing to learn and then write a despirtion on the two you liked the best and how you may use some thing out of the game you played into your game.

Monday, August 30, 2010

new classes, new year!!!!!!

It's a new year and i am so excited, and looking forward to making a new game with my new partner, Billy Waldron.Our team name is

"The West Virigina Rednecks. I took this class last year so I know More then some of the people in the class this year and I also look forward to helping the new comers on their game and what ever eles they have to have on. Even though I took this class last year doesn't mean I don't have stuff to learn, I do and I can't wait till i find out how to do something new on flash so I can add it to my game. Can't wait to get started!!!!!!!!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

new year!!!!

its a new year adn i cant wait to get started on our game, i love math so this year is goingt to be easier than last year. my partner is billy waldron and our team name is "the west virigian rednecks,

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


well it is finally the end, i have had a fun experince in this class. i have learnt a lot of things with flash and computers. we had our game perstation last week and i think mine and brooks went well, we worked really hard on our game we even stayed after school to get the 2nd level done. our whole class worked really hard to have the games done in time. we have so many snow days that it was kinda hard to get stuff done, but we manged. i totally look forward to next year and to see what i can come up with in math. thank you Mrs. Barker for everything i had a great time in this class =)

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Comments on blogs (:

i commented on Matt's blog and it sound like him and his parnter, nic has worked hard on their game and i look forward on playing it. Matt had to put score keeping on it and by the way he put it in his blog it was the hardest, and it was to me to. Nick had a good blog, he told about how much rereach he has done and at the end he said that he was so tired after doing all that work but him and his parnter was still pushing theirself to get their game done. matt's blog & nick's blog

Thursday, April 22, 2010

My game

I think that the hardest thing the teach other students in our game is to get them understand that the cases in our game actually happens in everyday life. Students go through all the stuff thats on our game in real life and i hope it gets the kids attion and hopefully it makes them realize what students go through. If you was a student that got sent home over a shirt that one student didnt like because she didnt like the band that was on it, would you have took you have took your school to court? That actually happen in real life, and it was very wrong. But that is probaly the hardest thing for me to get the kids that play our game to understand, and while they are playing our game i hope that it might change a kids life, for examples, by not making fun of or bulling a student at school or even on the streets, dont do it because some kids bully others and they kill theirselfs because of the bulling and that is ashame that a young childs life ahs to be taken just because of bullies, so maybe a kid like that will play our game and relize that it really could hurt someone.See more go to our team page,The Blond Chicks

Thursday, April 15, 2010

From my experince in globaloria has had its times but over all i it had been fun, and i plan to do it next year. the news and sourses are helpful. my parnter and i reasherd all of our cases that are in our game, so all of our cases are true. you can't belive everything you hear, because sometimes they are not true, for example, the stories in a magizne they are not always true and you cant belive everything they have about singer, modles, and acters because they are not always true. the news some news channles you can trust but there are some that you cant, my mom and dad watch CNN becasue they have a website and you can go on it and tell them about your story, for example last monday we had a mines that fell in and many were killed, and they was a church that came in and said that our miners drserved to die! What im tryign to say is that you casn not always belive what you hear or ir read, because you never know whats true.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010


game demos and paperprotypes are almost the same. A paperprotype you are just drawing what you want your game to look like and what you want in your game, its almost like you are creating your game on paper. A game demo is where you have done some of you game work its mostly like you title scene, about scene, and maybe some of your scene 1 of you game , but its nothing big. I played a game called supreme basketball and i love it. When you are at the basket ball court you have to shoot a basketball, there are 3 hoops and witch ever one you make there is a case and you have to solve the case and anwser questions. i really liked the game and i hope that the people that are creating the game keep up the good work. My partner and I have got through most of our game we have not much more but we still have some to do. Our game demoe went great and i was really proud of me and brooke :)

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

I chose to pick A-Team 2 and there game title is hitler vs satin who will win I chose this because I think that this is a game that has had hard work put into it and they seem to know what they are doing. I thought it looked interesting to play. This game talks about socialism, racism, expanion, obediance and to me it seems so interresting, they done a great job.This seems as if this is a very sufisticated way of putting this game into the functions place. This game is about adolph hitler and satin. This game also asks about the religions and if they have the same or different beliefs. This game is very interesting because it not only teaches you but it is a fun game to play and I really like the end where you can click the button and it will take you to another mini game. I do believe though that this game was a bit to much seemingly like a test and I think that there should be some bit of adjustment in this game. This game really inspired me and I am even thinking about putting the wrong seen somewhat simular to theres in my game i really liked it, this game is a great game.

Thursday, March 18, 2010


My partner and i brooke riffe we have worked on a templet that Mrs.Barker gave us and we explained what our game is about, what our story line is on all of our cases, who is begging what, and the story. We have also worked on some of our game scenes we have the title, about game, and the help scene we are starting to work on the cases and getting them to ready to work and explaing what the cases are about and how they are playing they are going to play the game. The other things we have done is our power point and the paper prototype. The power point was what we showed the people from New York and Charlston we explained what we had so far and they gave us more ideas and helped us alot, thank you guys! We have a team page and our team is called the Blond Chicks haha so random i no!! but we put stuff that we have worked on together on so check it out!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Presidential cabinet

To become a member of the president's cabinet you can not bt apart of congress or have any part of elected office. When you are a member of the cabinet the president can and will dismiss you if any problems while in the cabinet. The purpouse of the president's cabinet is to keep thing in order in the office and it is easier to keep track with everything the president has to do. If you are a member of the cabinet you are asked to be at the weekly mettings with the president. The major people in th president's cabinet is the secretary of ztate, secratary of the treasury, secretary so war there are more but these are the important ones. If you want find out more go to this link

Friday, March 5, 2010

Game demo presentations

I think my our game presentation went well we had all of our stuff done and i think we explained all of our game pretty well. They gave us at lot of ideas and yeah we are adding their ideas to our game. It really helped us a lot because and we got to show our teacher and the people that is over this class what we have done so far and they got to tell us what we need to improve and stuff we need to add.

Monday, March 1, 2010

My name is Chelsey and my parnters name is Brooke. Brooke and i named our team the blond chicks. Haha its really funny because we are the team with something so random. We are making a game about student rights and the way we have a right just as well as teachers do. One of our ideas are to put a person on our question scene to read and explain what the question is talking about. We are going to add spical effects to the part where you anwser the questions a thing will pop up and say your correct if you got it correct and if you get it wrong the it will pop up and a the judge will tell you why you got it wrong so the spical effects will come in somewhere around there. We are also adding a score bord that will come in when you anwser the question if you get in correct the you will get 20 points but if you get it wrong youwill get 10 taken away. Another one of our ideas is to do more reach and maske our base our cases on really stuff that actually happens in real life, we already have 3 cases and they are students that have actually took their schools to court because of a satition in school that has not been taking care of or a satition that was to enapropat. You can visit our team page by clicking on Blond Chicks. See what we had done this year to our game

Friday, January 29, 2010

Copy and Pasting

Copying someone eles work then it is called copyright. Us as students we dont not have a right to be copyrighting, and if you find something on the internet that you need to use dont copyright it just put in your own words because if you dont then you will be in big troubl. If you copyright someone eles work and they find out that you did without their perrimision then they are probly going to be mad and probly going to sue you. In our game we are using a lot of text for cases of diritions and for music we have a song at the end if you win but if you dont then you get nothing.

Friday, January 22, 2010

new years

My new years resaloition for this class is for me is to get my game finshed, have the best one and pass this class. we still have a lot of stuff to accomplish on our game but i think we will get through it. if i can pass this class this year i am going to take it next year to. there really not much just for me to get my game finshed and compete i hope to have the best game .

R.I.P. jordan wayne mcclanahan
i love you bubby

Thursday, January 21, 2010

R.I.P. jordan wayne mcclanahan

As every one knows Jordan Wayne McClanahan died 1-20-10. He clasped in the middle of a basketball game against mt.view on the court at Sandy River gym with 2 minutes left on the clook. we all miss him and we've all cried jordan meant to alot of people. he was alwas there for you when you just needed someone to talk to and its hurts the people that loved him to see him go. loseing jordan was like loseing a brother and a best friend. i wish he didnt have to go so young and so soon he left everyone with good memories of him even though he is not he with us in person he is still with us in heart and jordan will never be forgot he will always be in our hearts. his brother joseph lost a twin and loseing a twin is like loseing the other part of you and we all need to be there for joseph and support him all the way. this has been hard for all of us but it was the hardest on joseph becuase he had to watch not only his brother but his best friend die and that is probely the hardest thing a brother could ever watch or see. just dont forget jordan you will always be in our hearts and always with us......i love you jordan wayne mcclanahan <33